Visualising library enquiries - a graphic arts project

Wissenskosmos is a public real-time visualisation of enquiry activities inside the Saxon State and University Library Dresden.

04 Apr 2016


Wissenskosmos (Knowledge Cosmos) is a real-time visualisation of enquiry activities on exhibition at the Saxon State and University Library of Dresden (SLUB).

The visualisation, which is projected onto a large pane of glass, reveals the most active topic areas. Beside the overall view, little stories are told by highlighting individual items and their titles shortly after they have been accessed via the catalogue.

The aim was to create a visualisation of knowledge access the visitors, especially students, can identify with. During the students' examination time, for example, the most active subjects such as mathematics or psychology will be featured prominently as the virtual camera keeps track of them.

The visualisation is based on the library subject classification used at SLUB Dresden. Each hierarchical class is represented by a circle.

The installation project is the inspiration of freelance designer Mirko Clemente.