In the City of Brampton, west of Toronto, the Springdale Library and Komagata Maru Park provides the suburban community with a new public library and park.
In the small town of Ludinghausen, after ten months of renovation and a complete refurbishment, an ultra-modern and attractive library has been created.
Adjaye Associates has published its designs for the Thabo Mbeki Presidential Library which includes a learning centre, museum, gallery and event spaces.
Architects TAO-Trace have created a bookshop from an abandoned house with three surviving rammed-earth walls in the village of Xiadi, in the Chinese province of Fujian.
Huis van Eemnes (The Netherlands) is a new culture house. It is an inspiring third place to meet, create and participate, where both organised and spontaneous activities take place.
It's not business as usual for libraries, and businesses that serve libraries have been quick to move to support library services in these uncertain times.
Birmingham City University (BCU) makes the most of agile and flexible working with LapSafe's largest installation of their self-service laptop loan lockers.
How can a library catalogue online be designed differently? How do you build different ways of accessing the collection both for online and onsite experiences?
As libraries move towards reopening, where can we turn to for information and guidance on safe opening for both users and staff, when business as usual is not an option?