Too many libraries?

Western Australia's public library system will be modernised to meet the diverse and evolving needs of communities as part of a State Government overhaul.

11 Dec 2017

undefinedSuccess Library
Success Public Library, City of Cockburn, WA, highly recommended runner up in the ALIA Design Awards. 

As part of the new governance proposals, a priority is to repeal the acts and regulations from 1951 and 1985 which 'do not reflect contemporary public library services'.

The WA Public Library Strategy outlines five priority actions over the next four years:

  1. A single access card and management system that would allow users to borrow an item at any public library in WA;
  2. New model to support public library service delivery in WA;
  3. A new model to support regional and remote library services to ensure equal access to library services across the State;
  4. Improved governance systems, including the development of new legislation to guide public library services; and
  5. A system to measure and assess the impact and value of public library services on individuals and communities.

The published background paper and strategy are intended to be a consultation tool to establish a shared vision for public library development.

Writing in The Western Australian, Kate Emery reports: 'But the planned changes come with a warning that the State’s libraries are under pressure from a growing population and in regional areas poor facilities and a lack of qualified staff and infrastructure.

'A lack of coordinated planning has also resulted in “too many libraries” servicing parts of the metropolitan area, with some just 5km apart.

'Under changes a 1950s-era funding model will be axed in favour of one that gives libraries more freedom to spend State Government funding on things other than books. Grants aimed at rewarding experimentation and innovation will also be introduced.'