Libraries feature in RIBA awards

Libraries feature among the Royal Institute of British Architects 2016 national design awards.

02 Aug 2016

undefinedHebburn Central
Hebburn Central. Photo: FaulknerBrowns

Five library projects are among the 46 buildings featured in the awards. The RIBA National Awards are given to buildings across the UK recognised as significant contributions to architecture.

Four are academic libraries, while the fifth is a public library - Hebburn Central, South Tyneside. Of Hebburn, RIBA says: 'The jury was impressed with such an envisioned client. That coupled with the abilities of the architects has resulted in a project that is exemplary in its boldness, use of unconventional materials and has created a new identity for the area. There is no doubt Hebburn Central will enrich the lives of the community and boost confidence to continue with the wider regeneration project.'

The four award-winning university libraries are Essex University's Albert Sloman Library and Silberrad Student Centre; the Laidlaw Library at the University of Leeds; the Investcorp Building at the Middle East Centre, St Antony's College, Oxford; and the Bodleian's Weston Library.

Links to the individual building awards are on the right. Below are some of the stories previously featured by Designing Libraries.

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