The Public Library of the Year award is presented by the International Federation of Library Associations & Institutions, to honour new public libraries
Fore Street Living Room Library, a flexible retro-fit is opening up new possibilities for a much-loved library to support local culture & community events.
The International School of Port of Spain (ISPS) sought to create a modern and versatile library space catering to the diverse needs of its student body.
Everyspace is a council initiative working with local people to transform existing libraries into versatile spaces that expand the library’s functionality
CERN one of the world's largest & most respected centres for scientific research chose FG Library & Learning to design, manufacture & install their library
Peters’ interior designers use colour psychology to inform work they do in schools, seeking to align emotions and behaviours with the purpose of the space.
Designing Libraries Director Ayub Khan asks Claire Butterfield, Senior Librarian at the library about worldwide provision for the Defence Medical Services.