SCONUL Library Design Awards shortlist announced

SCONUL has announced the shortlist of seven library projects for the 2019 Design Awards.

08 Apr 2019

undefinedUniversity of Roehampton
University of Roehampton, one of the shortlisted entries.

The SCONUL Library Design Awards showcase and celebrate the very best in recent academic library design in the UK and Ireland.

Fifteen high calibre submissions to the awards were received and the judging panel found the decision making and short listing process hard. After careful consideration the judges are delighted to announce the following libraries have been short listed for the awards.

Medium and Large Libraries Category

University of Birmingham Library

Laidlaw Library, University of Leeds

Templeman Library, University of Kent

University of Roehampton Library

Small Libraries Category

Albert Sloman Library, University of Essex

Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health Library, University College London

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Library

The winners of both categories will be unveiled at the Library Design Awards event on Tuesday 26th November 2019 at the Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds. Details of the awards event will be announced in early Summer.