Luxembourg National Library opens

After more than ten years of planning, five years of construction and four months of moving more than 40km of documents, the new library opened on 1 October.

07 Oct 2019

undefinedLuxembourg National Library
Photo: Anouk Antony

It brings together on a single site all its documentary collections and services. The new building resolves the structural problems of the National Library and the deficits of its old infrastructure.

Conference rooms, training rooms, a small amphitheatre and a showroom expand the library’s offer of continuing education, cultural and educational activities.

The building, designed by Australian architects Bolles and Wilson, includes a foyer and cafe with an upper level conference and seminar rooms, a reading room, and “an ascending landscape of reading decks.”

The building’s principle component, the archive, is located within a secure core surrounded by the public spaces and forms a plateau for the large bookshelf area and reading deck. The building houses more than 1.8 million documents from books to DVD and audio material.