A library for connection and creative discovery

The Vaughan Civic Centre Resource Library, Toronto, is a visionary maker-space for community learning, gathering, creating and celebration for the digital age.

07 Sept 2016

undefinedVaughan Civic Centre Resource Library
Photo credit: doublespace photography

Marking a transformation from traditional historic library architecture, flexible spaces create an empowering community amenity, encouraging social interaction and group learning. Akin to a contemporary bookstore, the library’s marketplace café, and open reading area welcome visitors as they enter the immersive environment.

In contrast to the monochromatic exterior façade, colourful furniture and glass animate a fluid series of bright spaces, balancing open meeting areas with places for private study. Dynamic natural lighting acts as a guide throughout the space, directing visitors as they explore the collection.

Prominent and visible from the library’s entrance and also around the building is an anchoring outdoor garden courtyard and symbolic red maple “Tree of Knowledge”.

Collaboration spaces, meeting rooms, a ‘teen-only’ lounge, public-access computers, a large study hall, and an extensive children’s activity area form a circle around the courtyard, representing a circle of community.

undefinedVaughan Library
Photo credit: doublespace photography

From the café to the central outdoor courtyard, the vibrant two-storey facility hosts extensive public activity space far beyond the library’s collection of books. Accessible for all, visitors are encouraged to animate ideas within the library’s maker-spaces. Computer modelling and 3D printers, a media suite, sound recording studio, video studio and green screen all creates hands-on opportunities to learn, discover curiosities and hone craft.