Halton Lodge Primary School, Runcorn

Halton Lodge Primary School craved a fresh and exciting design for the thoroughfare of their school.

undefinedHalton Lodge Primary School

Themed zones bring the space to life

The aim was to create a library with areas for children to work in groups, read alone and undertake research: to put reading at the very heart of their school.

The staff at Halton Lodge were hugely pro-active throughout the design process, and met with the design consultant and designer on several occasions to discuss requirements, establish protocol and detail the timeline for the project. This ensured that we maximised the space available using conceptual ideas they loved and that the final design achieved all of their aims.

Consultation between the FG team and the school led to the creation of themed zones that would complement the school’s year groups, from Reception at one end of the space, through to Year 6 at the other. The themes chosen were Fairytale, Woodland, Geography, History, Science.

Our layout drawings and 3D visualisations enabled the staff to engage and experiment with various colours and woodgrains until the five new zones complemented each other perfectly. The use of graphics provides great talking points for breakout lessons and help bring the whole project to life.