Edwinstowe Library, Nottinghamshire

Designing a library for greater usage and better stock performance, and open up space for community use

undefinedEdwinstowe Library and Learning Centre

Creating flexible spaces

When Inspire were seeking to appoint a supplier to provide shelving and furniture to Nottinghamshire’s libraries, it was critical that any future modernisations would create spaces that encouraged usage, enabled stock to perform better and were flexible enough to provide room for meetings and other events that would increase income generation through greater community use.

Key requirements were that the supplier must be able to design to the criteria set out by Inspire, to bring the elements together in a cohesive and contemporary way:

  1. to maximise use of the available space
  2. incorporate all the stock and equipment requirements
  3. reflect current needs and allow for future changes
  4. ensure excellent sightlines
  5. include great stock presentation
  6. allow for low maintenance and incremental replacement
  7. as far as possible “design out” possible crime and anti-social behaviour
  8. facilitate and encourage a self-service mode of operation

A winning design proposal

The proposal FG Library & Learning created for Edwinstowe Library proved to be a winning design. Working with Inspire’s Network Project Officer, Amanda Shaw, a fresh, contemporary colour scheme was introduced to ensure the space was light, bright and airy with a relaxing feel.

The results speak for themselves. Not only is the library the wonderful, fresh, relaxing space envisaged, but the number of new users is double what they were for the same period in the previous two years, children’s issues have increased by 41% and there has been an increase in visits by 20%.