How a corridor became a learning street

Great Ouse Primary Academy, Bedfordshire, features a centrally located Learning Resource Centre and an interactive learning street extending from it.

30 Jul 2018

undefinedGreat Ouse Primary Academy

This novel idea was developed and designed by Birmingham-based company BookSpace to fulfil the vision of the school’s Principal for a kinetic learning experience outside the classroom.

The Learning Street consists of four ‘shops’ which use genuine artefacts and props to bring various aspects of the curriculum to life: Writing, History, Environment and Science. In addition, a maker-space, a book-swap cart, market stalls and a fabulous new school library have been created to provide a rich, engaging way for pupils to experience topic-based learning.

BookSpace worked closely with the Principal, Paul Ives, and his team to conceive a creative space which would provide an extra dimension to pupils’ learning. The new school library, a Learning Resource Centre, was installed in the centre of the school and features a Writing Shop filled with an old writing bureau, vintage typewriters and various writing tools, as well as high quality bookshelves and curved soft seating. “I wanted the Writing Shop to sit within the library as they naturally go hand-in-hand,” says Paul.

undefinedGreat Ouse Primary Academy

Two corridors extending either side of the LRC are teeming with inspirational stopping points – perfect for topic-based learning – from an Environmental Shop featuring a weather station to the Science Shop with a life-size skeleton and the History Shop filled with all manner of genuine historical artefacts.

Dotted amongst the ‘shops’ are various carts where children are encouraged to stop, touch, investigate and ask questions. It’s an inspiring example of a clever use of space to extend the reach of the library as a learning centre.