Insights in library design

Creative spaces for kids, learning spaces, revitalised public libraries, sustainable buildings, the future library - insights from our news stories.

Spaces for kids
Spaces for kids
Children and teens like their space. What they can do in that space is redefining the design of services for young people and what libraries mean to them.
Spaces for learning
Spaces for learning
Changing demands and styles of learning, and different approaches to information in the digital age, are opening up the design of libraries as learning spaces.
Green and sustainable
Green and sustainable
Innovation in building design and the use of materials is leading a creative approach to the library in its architectural and urban environment.
Public libraries now
Public libraries now
Libraries are changing - all over the world - with a range of services and creative opportunities for users, reshaping the very idea of the public library.
Library futures
Library futures
As libraries become multi-media spaces and centres of innovation we look at some current ideas about the future of libraries and the impact of technology.