
A directory of web links and sources of information on libraries, library organisations, library buildings, library design, technology and innovation.

About libraries
About libraries
A guide to the main professional organisations, sources of data and information about libraries, library journals and other news sources.
Related design sites
Related design sites
National and international websites, online information sources and image galleries featuring library buildings and library design examples.
Resources for library design
Resources for library design
A reference library of websites, online resources, articles and books related to all aspects of library planning and design.
Insights in library design
Insights in library design
Creative spaces for kids, learning spaces, revitalised public libraries, sustainable buildings, the future library - insights from our news stories.
Reimagining the library
Reimagining the library
Original articles and features on library innovation, library design trends and library service design, written or commissioned by Designing Libraries.
Essential Design Guidelines
Essential Design Guidelines
Designing Libraries publishes a series of brief, practical Essential Design Guidelines in conjunction with its sponsoring companies.
Free graphic designs
Free graphic designs
Create your own professional notices, posters and display headers with these free downloadable graphic designs.
Better by design
Better by design
Online profiles of individual library design projects selected by Designing Libraries, with examples of design innovation from libraries around the world.
The new libraries of Europe
The new libraries of Europe
A collection of case studies published by the LIBER Architecture Group following the Group's biannual international seminars.