IFLA/Baker & Taylor Public Library of the Year Award 2024

IFLA and new prize sponsor Baker & Taylor announce the nominated libraries for this year’s prestigious prize for the best new public library in the world.

13 Sept 2024

IFLA Public Library of the Year Award 2024 nominated libraries  - Yellamundie Library and Gallery, at Liverpool Civic Place. Operated by Liverpool City Council (Australia) and The Shenzhen Library North (China) and Public Body Kaunas County Public Library (Lithuania) and Beijing Library (China)


This year, 16 libraries from 10 different countries have applied for the award, making the prize truly international. After much thought and consideration, the jury members of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) have narrowed the field of applications down to this year´s four finalists.

The Finalists

Each of them stands out with a winning combination of functional sustainable architecture, creative IT solutions, and strengthening local culture.

The finalists for the IFLA/Baker & Taylor Public Library of the Year Award 2024 are:

  • Yellamundie Library and Gallery, at Liverpool Civic Place. Operated by Liverpool City Council (Australia)
  • The Shenzhen Library North (China)
  • Public Body Kaunas County Public Library (Lithuania)
  • Beijing Library (China)

Chairman of the Jury Says

Jakob Lærkes, chairman of the jury panel and head of libraries in the Municipality of Gladsaxe, Denmark, is excited about the diversity in this year’s nominees and how the field of applications for the award keeps surprising with showcased innovation for the world of libraries:

“The Public Library of the Year award is all about paying tribute to role models, and each of the four nominated libraries stands out as libraries of the future. It is impressive to see the different take on how to respond to the changing needs of the user, sustainability as a more and more important factor, when we build new libraries as well as different takes on how to create welcoming reading and learning spaces for the local communities. The jury and I believe that each of the four nominated libraries are examples to follow.”

Jakob Lærkes, Chair of the Jury