Apply for the IFLA/Baker & Taylor Public Library of the Year Award 2024

The “Public Library of the Year” award is presented by IFLA with the aim of honouring new public libraries

21 Jun 2024

IFLA/Baker & Taylor Public Library of the Year Award 2024 logo

The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Public Library of the Year Award is presented to a library somewhere in the world, that has best managed to combine open and functional architecture with sustainable and creative IT solutions and has included both digital developments and local culture.

To be eligible for the award, the library must be newly built, have added a significant extension, or located in a building, that have not previously been used as a library.

The award ceremony will take place Monday 7th October 2024 at the IFLA Midterm Conference “Public Library and Democracy” in Barcelona, Spain. The Conference is part of the International Library Meeting: “Culture, Knowledge and Community”, that will take place from 7th-9th October 2024. The winner of the award receives $5000.

To qualify in 2024, the library must be built and opened between 1st January 2023 and 31st December 2023

Current call for submissions: You can apply for the award until Friday 28th June 2024.

For full assessment criteria and the application form, please visit the IFLA website: