Green Libraries Manifesto

Libraries across the UK are invited to sign a Green Libraries Manifesto to encourage the sector to lead by example by reducing their environmental impact.

17 Oct 2022

Image showing the Green Libraries Manifesto logo

The Green Libraries Manifesto (GLM) is hosted by CILIP in partnership with Arts Council England, the British Library, Libraries Connected and Julie’s Bicycle. It is shaped around a shared vision and seven pledges - to:

  • Bring environmental sustainability to the heart of decision-making
  • Innovate and evolve
  • Work with our communities
  • Use our voice for more impact
  • Work in partnership
  • Grow and share our knowledge
  • Support young people

The manifesto was informed by a Green Libraries Survey undertaken to evaluate and lay the ground for developing a UK-wide, cross-sector, long-term programme to support public libraries in building environmental understanding and action, themselves, and with their communities.

The survey results provide an overview of where the sector sits today, what public libraries are already doing to be green, what they would like to do, and what would help make this possible.

The GLM partners believe the manifesto will contribute towards achieving positive change and say it can be used in different ways:

  • As a set of principles underpinning any local strategies, plans and programmes
  • As a development tool in identifying areas for action and improvement
  • To enable conversations with local communities, library staff and key partners, including setting further detail in line with local needs
  • To promote library values and aspirations
  • As an advocacy document
  • To identify like-minded partners and collaborators
  • To underpin staff development plans

To sign up, or find out more, visit: