Merthyr Tydfil Leisure Centre

Merthyr created a recreational reading offer to enhance the services at the Leisure Centre, a short walk from the town and its busy Central Library.

undefinedMerthyr Leisure Centre

Making library services more accessible

FG Library & Learning created a winning design for Merthyr Tydfil Public Library Service that recognised the more leisure-orientated nature of the space, which includes Landscape library shelving, a funky StoryWall in the children’s area, café-style tables and chairs, and quiet seating booths with power for laptops and tablets.

Given that the variety of soft seating would be used as part of the café area as well as the library, seats were upholstered in stylish stain-repellent and waterproof Halcyon fabric, which is also anti-microbial and bleach-cleanable so ideal for areas which require extra protection.

This brand new, co-located facility has expanded services into the community, making them more accessible, and although the library is staffed for just 24 hours per week, it is open through self-service from 6.00am to 10.00pm every day.

Initial studies show visitor figures have increased by 139%, and user comments have been incredibly positive.