Kendal Library

A public library design project to incorporate existing shelving and introduce modern technology solutions.

Kendal Library

Modern style, modern technology

This public library needed to be modernised whilst incorporating a vast quantity of existing library shelving. A seamless and modern technology solution was required to maximise security and create space in both the main library and the second floor reference library.

New end panels and accessories were added to the existing library shelving to enhance aesthetics and improve flexibility. Library shelving was re-positioned to maximise the library space, create flow and enhance visitor experience.

Modern colourful soft seating, tables and display units were chosen to complement the existing furniture, whilst being sympathetic to the traditional space.

Some key features:

  • Freedom display units situated at library entrance
  • Pod service desk
  • Brightly coloured tub chairs to complement interior
  • Enhanced existing library shelving
  • Bright bold furniture complements traditional space
  • FG technology installed for maximum security and modern styling
This public library needed to be modernised whilst incorporating a vast quantity of existing library shelving. A seamless and modern technology solution was required to maximise security and create space in both the main library and the second floor reference library.
New end panels and accessories were added to the existing library shelving to enhance aesthetics and improve flexibility. Library shelving was re-positioned to maximise the library space, create flow and enhance visitor experience.
Modern colourful soft seating, tables and display units were chosen to complement the existing furniture, whilst being sympathetic to the traditional space.
Some key features:
Freedom display units situated at library entrance
Pod service desk
Brightly coloured tub chairs to complement interior
Enhanced existing library shelving
Bright bold furniture complements traditional space
FG technology installed for maximum security and modern styling