Halsnaes Public Library, Denmark

The library brings nature inside

Three book displays in front of a tree bark display poster inside Halsnaes Public Library

At Halsnæs Library the amazing graphics, showing insects and nature, allow the children to enjoy the magic and to study the details up close. You will find familiar children’s songs and “the 120 words” that the ants carrying around incorporated in the graphics. In that way, elements from nature (biophilic design) are combined with language development, interest in reading, immersion, and perception.

Two side by side photos of natural looking reading alcoves inside Halsnaes Public Library

Existing browsers and shelving systems have been combined with pentagonal reading caves to create organic rooms within the room. A large staircase for storytelling with cool surfaces is constantly occupied by small and large groups, while the smallest children play on the sensory carpet and others enjoy the silence in the soft seating area.

Natural looking steps made of bark in the corner of the interior floor inside Halsnaes Public Library