Craigmillar Library, Edinburgh

The Craigmillar Library in Edinburgh has brought new hope and spirit to an area seeing renewed investment, with many services brought under one roof.


A library that is 'Our Space'

Once school is out, this library is jumping! - a testament that the youth area, ‘Our Space’ (which takes up 50% of the floor space), is certainly the highlight of the library. Split into three user groups, each area has its own branded identity – ‘Cuddlebook Corner’ (0 – 5 years), ‘RAD to ReAD’ (6 – 11 years) and ‘Libraries 4 U’. The skate ramp reading unit is a bespoke piece that we are particularly pleased with and one that naturally encourages users to take a seat and slouch back with a book in hand.

The key objectives for the general lending library were ‘variation’ and ‘face-on display’. This allowed us to use our new ‘Expo’ shelving and ‘Show it’ display units, along with a mix of straight and radius library shelving.

A host of bespoke items, from the staff counter to buggy park, graphics package to RFID housing, were also commissioned and give the space the point of difference we set out to achieve.

Moving away from the library, the customer service enquiry point was designed so that each terminal facilitates private discussion. The community engagement space utilises high-backed acoustic sofas to create break-out meeting spaces. And graphics significant to the area were used in the meeting rooms to give a local touch.