History and purpose

Designing Libraries was set up in 2004, funded by the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA) as part of its Framework for the Future programme.

A team at Aberystwyth University, led by Alan Clark, was set up to provide a web-based database of recent public library building projects in the UK, benefiting from staff expertise and resources within the University relating to library building and library planning and design.

These resources included the University's Library Planning Collection, itself including collections amassed by the Library Association, now CILIP, plus materials submitted to the UK and Ireland Public Library Building Awards.

Supported by CILIP, MLA, SCONUL

From 2004 until September 2011, with funding from MLA and support from CILIP, it maintained and expanded the Designing Libraries site as a data and image bank and an information resource aimed at providing a service to anyone interested in library design and planning.

Designing Libraries expanded the scope of its database to accommodate libraries from other sectors, entering into partnership with SCONUL to make available SCONUL's data relating to university library buildings.

A new beginning, a new look, a new future

It became a Community Interest Company in 2011, with a brief to provide information to anyone interested in library design and planning. In 2022, following the retirement of its former director, the CIC was reconstituted.

A new DL team, led by CIC Director Ayub Khan MBE, was assembled in Spring 2022 with a remit to revamp, revitalise and relaunch the website - making sure it is both fit-for-purpose and sustainable.Ā 

Designing Libraries is fundedĀ by incomeĀ from its sponsors and other subscribing organisations.